Thursday, April 22, 2010

Looking for your next favorite book?

I just stumbled upon this website ... but I don't remember how - radio... internet...

Either way, LibraryThing's Suggest feature is an amazing tool to help you find your next favorite book. It works a little like a subject directory. Type in the name of a book that you enjoyed (LibraryThing has an "Unsuggest" feature as well, for those books you didn't quite like), and LibraryThing brings you to a results page populated with titles that match the title you typed. Click on the link that matches the title, and view the books that are similar to it.

For example, let's say that you really enjoyed Sarah Gruen's Water for Elephants. You are now on a mission to read books that have a similar appeal - maybe you liked the strong characters, the alternate settings and points-of-view. Instead of relying on Google for read-alikes, go to Here, you will see two search boxes: one for books you like, one for books you do not like. Since you liked Water for Elephants, type the title in the "Suggest" box. On the next page, click the first link for Water for Elephants. The page that follows is a list compiled by LibraryThing, using its user's profiles and picks, that contains books with similar appeal elements. So if you liked the strong characters in Water for Elephants, you will love the story of the Henry family in The Memory Keeper's Daughter.

So if you are at a loss when it's time to find a new book, try LibraryThing Suggest:

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